我们都看过一些视频或文章像病毒一样疯狂传播, 在最初出现几个月后仍在广泛传播. There’s no science behind creating a viral post, 和 no guaranteed recipe or checklist. 然而, there are certain characteristics all viral posts share which make people want to spread the word within their networks. Here we explore a couple of attributes you should aim to include in your posts to increase your chances of being shared. A great starting point is simply paying more attention 和 observing your own liking or sharing behaviour across social media platforms.

#1. 保持内容的相关性

One common characteristic of most viral content is its relevance to current events. 不管你的话题是什么, you’re 就像ly to get more shares if your content is relevant to what people are already actively searching for or talking about at that moment. 发布最新的内容可以大大提高你的知名度, 病毒式传播的第一步是什么. 跟踪最热门话题的一个好方法是关注推特. Trending to图片s 和 hashtags are constantly changing according to what users are talking about most, 这通常是人们分享新闻的第一个平台.

约翰·奥利弗的讽刺新闻节目, 上周今夜与约翰·奥利弗, is famously known for its commentary on current affairs 和 have resulted in several incredibly 社交媒体网站上的病毒视频 就像 YouTube脸谱网.

#2. 了解你的听众的喜好

发布任何内容的关键是确保你的目标受众是正确的. 如果你想让你的帖子像病毒一样传播,这一点尤为重要. 找出你的观众的喜好, 他们想看的东西, 以及他们历来会立刻喜欢上的那种帖子. Designing your posts to appeal to a specific demographic establishes a personal connection with your viewers, 是什么让他们想要继续阅读或观看. People are much more 就像ly to share posts that resonate with them 和 that they can relate to this can’t be achieved with general 和 vague posts.

事实证明,多芬非常擅长 视频营销活动 为目标受众精心制作. 他们最受欢迎的视频包括以下几个:


#3. 建立情感联系

一旦你确定了你的目标受众,找到一种方法来吸引他们. 无聊的内容不仅会降低观众的兴趣, 但也确保他们不会和朋友分享. The most viral posts are ones that elicit strong emotions in viewers, compelling them to take action. Any kind of strong emotion incited by your post leaves an impact on your viewers 和 makes it memorable. 一个好的出发点是考虑6种基本的情绪——愤怒, 恐惧, 惊喜, 厌恶, 快乐与悲伤. 你的内容是否激发了这些情绪?

While content that connects emotionally with audience has a higher chance of being shared, 通常是阳性的病毒更容易传播. Content that’s humorous or touching in particular often makes up the largest proportion of viral posts. 当人们遇到能增加价值的东西时, 即使这只会让他们感觉更积极, 他们很可能想把这个介绍给他们的网络.

Air New Zeal和’s Hobbit-inspired safety briefing is a great example of connecting with viewers 和 audience.

#4. 让你的内容有用

当你想让一篇文章像病毒一样传播时, 问一问你的内容是如何为你的观众增加价值的,这通常是一个很好的做法. 人们也喜欢在社交媒体上看起来不错, so if sharing your post makes them feel 就像 they’re imparting some useful knowledge to their peers 和 connections, 很有可能他们更有可能这样做. A great way to capture your audience’s attention right from the start is to ensure your headlines are clear 和 compelling enough. It’s not enough to simply have useful content constant checks to ensure you’ve established 和 are maintaining that emotional connection with your viewers can help create a potentially viral post.

#5. 不要局限于发短信

Text posts make up a very insignificant proportion of viral posts attractive visuals are critical in engaging your viewers 和 increasing the value of your post. 不管你使用的是什么社交媒体平台, simply adding a couple of relevant images not only increases your chances of getting clicked on but also being shared. Videos are an even more powerful tool of communicating your message to your audience with a personal touch. 视频更能引起观众的情感和共鸣, 尤其是当它被有效地运用于讲故事时, 例如. 探索不同形式的内容是创建病毒式帖子的关键, particularly to stay ahead of the ever-decreasing attention spans of people on social media. 一个很好的例子是公共服务宣传活动 墨尔本的地铁 the ‘Dumb Ways To Die’ video was viewed 30 million times within two weeks of its upload.

#6. 把握好时机

礼貌: 快速发芽


Timing is essential for making posts go viral 和 can make all the difference in terms of being seen by your audience. For example, it’s a well-known fact by now that most people generally follow similar 社交媒体的发展趋势 全天使用情况. Majority of 澳大利亚ns are most active on social media first thing in the morning as well as in the evenings. Posting content at a time when people are 就像ly to be at work or asleep drastically decreases your chances of being seen, 更不用说分享了. 另一方面, 发布大型活动, 例如, which are being covered by multiple media channels 和 being excessively talked about can result in your post being lost in the barrage of others. Many social media platforms have tools which enable you to study the viewing patterns of your visitors. Utilising them effectively can help you plan the timing of your next potentially viral post.

The dress is a photo that went viral when viewers saw it either as black 和 blue or white 和 gold. 许多其他品牌也利用了这一点,成功开展了自己的活动:

#7. 吸引有影响力的人的注意

Many viral posts owe their success 和 position in the limelight to being shared by high-profile users with large follower bases. Constantly bombarding them with messages 和 requests to share your post is not an ideal way of gaining fame; you may end up blocked for being a spammer. The best way to get yourself on the radar of an influencer is to attempt to build a connection with them. 这可以通过分享他们的帖子来实现, 推荐给你自己的追随者, 并试图与他们展开对话. 这并不能保证他们会做出回应, 但这可能会引起他们的注意, 鼓励他们查看你的内容, 甚至在没有被要求的情况下分享你的帖子.

在一天结束的时候, creating viral posts can often come down to plain luck being discovered at the right time by the right people can propel your post to instant online fame. 话虽如此, ensuring your posts follow the elements discussed here most definitely increases your chances of being discovered 和 shared among your audience.

如果你想了解更多 如何吸引人的内容社交媒体营销 可以加强你的网络形象,澳门十大赌厅app,我们会告诉你怎么做!